← Will Donnelly

Let’s say you’re a Scheme library, executing on some unknown R5RS implementation, and you want to figure out which one you’re running on in order to make use of nonstandard functionality depending on what’s available. You can’t rely on SRFI-0, because it’s not available by default on all Schemes.

One thing we can do is look at the results of various undefined operations, and attempt to build up a sort of “signature” for the Scheme implementation from many such indirect tests.

I gathered a list of as many nonstandardized/undefined behaviours as possible (mainly from this table, and grepping the R5RS spec for the word “undefined”). Then I tested each operation on a bunch of implementations in order to find the tests which don’t error out and give different results on different systems.

The resulting set of 20 tests generates a sort of “signature” – a list of twenty boolean values that identifies the host Scheme. Currently the code works on:

(This is actually a just list of all the implementations I have installed right now, and other implementations can be supported just by adding another line to the signatures list)

On Scheme implementations which provide a compiled and an interpreted mode, only interpreted has been tested. Some Schemes have subtly different behaviour interpreted and compiled, so caution should be used there.

;;; A set of functions to allow an interpreted Scheme
;;; program to determine the implementation it is
;;; running under.

;; Assemble a signature of the current
;; Scheme implementation.
(define (detect:signature)
    ;; AXCH: exact-sqrt
    (exact? (sqrt 4))
    ;; AXCH: exact-times-zero
    (exact? (* 0 3.1))
    ;; AXCH: exact-div-zero
    (exact? (/ 0 4.7))
    ;; AXCH: exact-rationals
    (exact? (/ 1 3))
    ;; AXCH: case-sensitive
    (eq? 'a 'A)
    ;; AXCH: promises-are-thunks
    (procedure? (delay 3))
    ;; Do strings made from numbers less than 1 omit the 0?
    (string=? ".5" (number->string 0.5))
    ;; AXCH: literal-rationals
    (number? (string->number "1/2"))
    ;; AXCH: literal-complexes
    (number? (string->number "1+i"))
    ;; Is the empty string eqv to itself?
    (eqv? "" "")
    ;; How about the empty vector?
    (eqv?  '#() '#())
    ;; A non-empty string?
    (eqv? "a" "a")
    ;; Does SET! have a constant return value?
    (let ((x 0)) (eqv? (set! x 1) (set! x 'asd)))
    ;; Is it equal to other undefined things?
    (eqv? (for-each (lambda (x) #t) '(0 1 2)) (let ((x 123)) (set! x 321)))
    ;; Are negative and positive inexact zero the same?
    (eq? +0.0 -0.0)
    (eqv? +0.0 -0.0)
    (equal? +0.0 -0.0)
    ;; Is the default vector filled with zeroes?
    (equal? (make-vector 5) '#(0 0 0 0 0))
    ;; Is the default vector filled with falses?
    (equal?  (make-vector 5) '#(#f #f #f #f #f))
    ;; Vector-fill returns a vector?
    (vector? (vector-fill! (make-vector 1) 0)) ))

;; A precalculated list of signatures for all supported
;; Scheme implementations.
(define detect:known-signatures
'((mzscheme   (#t #t #t #t #f #f #f #t #t #f #f #f #t #t #f #f #f #t #f #t))
  (chicken    (#f #f #f #f #f #f #f #t #f #f #f #f #t #t #f #t #t #f #f #f))
  (guile      (#f #t #f #t #f #f #f #t #t #t #f #f #t #t #f #f #t #f #f #f))
  (bigloo     (#f #f #f #f #f #t #f #f #f #f #f #f #t #t #f #t #t #f #f #f))
  (gambit     (#t #t #t #t #f #f #t #t #t #f #f #f #t #t #f #f #f #t #f #f))
  (ikarus     (#f #f #f #t #f #t #f #t #f #f #f #f #t #f #f #t #t #t #f #f))
  (scheme48   (#f #f #f #t #t #t #f #t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t #f #f #f))
  (mit-scheme (#t #t #t #t #t #f #t #t #t #f #t #f #f #f #f #t #t #f #t #f))
  (gauche     (#f #f #f #t #f #f #f #t #t #f #f #f #f #f #f #t #t #f #f #f))))

;;   Determine the name of the current Scheme implementation
;;    by checking the signature returned by DETECT:SIGNATURE
;;    against a table of known signatures.
(define (detect:match-signature)
  (let ((signature (detect:signature)))
    ; Loop over the DETECT:KNOWN-SIGNATURES list
    (let test ((siglist detect:known-signatures))
      (if (equal? '() siglist)
        ; Return 'UNKNOWN if we're stumped
        (let ((testsig (car siglist)))
          (if (equal? (cadr testsig) signature)
            (car testsig)
            (test (cdr siglist))))))))

;; Memoized form of DETECT:MATCH-SIGNATURE
(define detect:name
  (let ((memo #f))
    (lambda ()
      (and (not memo)
           (set! memo (detect:match-signature)))

Obviously, only the memoized DETECT:NAME is meant for external use, since a program generally won’t the see the host changing as it runs, and repeatedly calculating the name would be inefficient. I don’t actually have much experience with Scheme, so the DETECT:MATCH-SIGNATURE function could probably be written more efficiently, but it works. Anyway, I hope that someone finds this to be useful. I have used it to write the beginnings of a portable process library. More on that after I get around to polishing it up a bit more.

Addendum 2025-01-23: I'm not convinced that this code snippet is novel or complex enough to need a license, but since I was asked I hereby release it under the 0BSD license.